Tuesday, September 28, 2010

HERO 1.2

        Awoken at five o'clock in the morning by a thunderous roar to find that the sun is just starting to rise, that there is not a cloud in the sky. I then realize it was the rumbling from a dream that woke me. Starting the day off early by jumping into a cold shower as it is an extremely hot and humid morning. Ready to go to work  i leave my abode. Crossing that thresshold which was my safe haven into the realm of uncertainty. The road that i take on my journey begins by traveling on the iron horse.
          HereI cross the thresshold as i descend into a dark subterrain where every morning lurks the unknown. Species of the human race who push into one another craming themselves in like sardines in a can. The selfish, inconsiderate who look the other way; like what happened to me this day, where an elderly woman who inevitable needed a seat. I in turn attempting to give her mine had been intentionally taken up as i vacated the seat. An extremely arrogant mid thirtyish female who happened to get in my face with her attitude when i told her that the seat i got up from was for this elderly woman. She didn't seem to care basically telling me too bad; " i am in this seat now ". Becoming infuriated I grabbed ahold of her arms, picked her up from the seat so the elderly woman was able to sit. The rest of the human race applauded after seeing what had transpired, and that thirthy something year old female, she didnt say another word. She actually stood by the doors waiting; evidently embarrassed or humiliated and exited the iron horse as it pulled into the station.
              Arriving at my destination; the jobsite, being the restoration and reconstruction of a stone behemonth high above the concrete jungle below. Every morning a discussion is held with the men as to what  the day's  workload will be. This morning was no different than any other except we were short on man power. My brother; Brian, who also worked with me on this project was alright working alone and went on to perform his work. The day had progressed along beautifully repairing the behemonths frame, removing decayed sections in preparation for its new parts to maintain character and stability. The next few minutes although were very harrowing. That thunderous roar that awoke me just happened again, but i am wide awake now and wondering were it occured. My brother then just yells out for help. Immediately i spring into action and over to where he was working. The platform he was on while being suspended had given way on the one end. Brian was now dangling on that same end. I rushed for rope, secured it and sent over two lines; one for myself and the ot other for the platform. I propelled over the side of  stone behemoth and tied the platform off with the other line. My brother then grabbed a hold of me and tied in. We propelled down about forty feet to safety. Hearts still racing ,adrenaline still pumping i now realize what that thunderous roar was. It was a premonition of what was to pass,but didn't have the final outcome because i was awoken prior.
            Standing up for others when they need it shows your integrity. Being respected for it is priceless and heartfelt.  Acting spontaneously and saving my brother s life was the real reward for me. I still have him around to cherish, to talk with and laugh aloud just as we did when we returned to my abode. We drank and remanist about the past and the future never alone.

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