Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meatrix 3.4 Summary 1

      Farming  has become a big business for corporations. The way of the small farms in the old days is slowly disappearing. Corporations have been squeezing alot of farmers to sell their land so they can enlarge their stake in farmland in order to mass produce for a greater market capitolization. Mass production may have intended to be a way to satisfy the ever growing population, but it has gone astray. Animals are forced to reproduce, then coraled into cramped quarters, pumped with steriods and antibiotics in order to produce bigger stock. Chickens lay more eggs, cows are producing more milk and beef, calfs are strapped and hung to keep their bodies tender to produce veal. The mass production of pumping drugs into farm animals has begun to have serious consequences. Bacteria and virus have mutated and become resistant to the drugs meant to help us. The human population as a whole can now become infected with new drug resistant strains because of greed.   

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