Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meatrix 3.4 Summary 2

        The illusions that the corporations give us through advertisement make you believe that their products are produced on a small farm by a farmer; say, named John Pickle. Advertisers portray a senerio where his cows are but a few, feed in the pasture every morning and then milked by him or member of his family. That the chickens eggs are picked up daily from a meticulous hen house. In reality what happens is not what is shown to the eye but by information released from insiders to the public. Where artifical growth hormones ( which are banned in Europe and Canada ) are given to farm animals to have them  grow larger and produce more. How unsanitory the conditions are from overcrowding and craming of cows into confined spaces where their excrement is pumped to our land and streams infecting our water supply and spreading the chance of  hoof disease , salmonella, cholrea and so on. Diseases we thought we basically eradicated. Take for example the recent  breakout of mad cow disease in England which had been spread recently due to feeding farm animals with by products of other farm animals which were infected with the disease. People were becomining ill and dying with a form of spongevirus and it was later tracked back to the beef and the way it was processed. The country had to slaughter thousands of cows and a ban was put in place to not by any beef from England.         

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