Thursday, October 7, 2010

Warrior Archetype

    Always felt  i should be fighting for what is right. That good will always prevail over evil, right will triumph over wrong. I look at things in black and white, not the color that many people see or want. Standing in the trenches leading and fighting for my believes, defending those who need to be stood up for. Born into the world at a time where character and integrity meant something and was taught to me by my father. My father always helped those who needed it, and i;  i try to do the same. A warrior is one that steps forward to do battle. Sometimes with weaponry and often in the line of fire, with or without a plan of action, but with no hesitation.  People respect me for they see that i stand up for others, that i lead by example.                 Warriors lead the charge and will not stop until victory has been achieved.

        Take for example the character that John Wayne portrays in many of his movies. Such as in McQ. Here he is a police detective investigating the murder of his friend. The investigation leads him to find that narcotics and corruption was at all levels of the department. Here he soon finds out that he is just not fighting the mob and protecting the public from them, he now goes to war with the police force and the friends he once thought stood for the same values, to battle wrong, to protect the innocent from harm.   McQ -- Trailer for this action film    


  1. Very interesting. I like how you incorporated black & white to compare right and wrong...complete opposites. Just a heads up, read over this blog entry and correct your spelling mistakes...may have just been typos.

  2. Nice choice for the warrior archetype. i can definately see how he fights for what he feels is right and good to know you do to.

  3. You did a good job! You may just want to fix your capitalization errors.
