Sunday, October 17, 2010

Three Artifacts #2
Photography was once a true image of the subject being taken.
Now photographs which are taken of the original subject are then brushed to enhance the image. These images are made to appeal to the public. For example in the Swimsuit Issue of Sports Illustrated, the model poses to show off the swimsuits. Their natural bodies are then brushed showing their skintone basically flawless. Their bosoms are enlarged to attract people but as we all know, this is not exactly what the model looks like.
The advertisers here, create an illusion in order to sell their magazines and the clothing that the models wear. The reality is that people reading these magazines believe this is the norm. This is bad because it affects the self esteem. People think they have to be thin and they have to look perfectly flawless when in essence people are imperfect.
The male population, after looking at the photographs believe that every woman should basically look as beautiful as this. And they go out into the world looking for this beauty but are disappointed as to what they find because this is not reality. Women then feel they are not up to par and they don't meet the man's standard because of brushed photos like this.
Young children growing up also learn these traits of their fathers, brothers or friends and they believe that they should have a woman as beautiful as in the magazine not realizing that a woman next to them is as beautiful as the photo. And they are losing out on finding that someone.

1 comment:

  1. that's true. plus using kinda software like photoshop can change the photos as well
