Tuesday, November 23, 2010


     Constant use of electronic devices such as the Internet or phones can cause a persons brain to go numb. As the Author Nicholas Carr points out in his article, " Is Google Making Us Stupid " ; information at a blink of an eye bombards the brain with so much data that we lose the ability to concentrate.  I believe this to be true, our train of thought and ability to think clearly are scattered all over the place as we use devices like these. Devices most of us require or need in order to go about our daily lives.

         I for one know first hand the ill effects of constantly using the Internet. Since becoming Chief of the   the Dept. of Buildings Queens office in 2004 I have noticed that my concentration has slipped, my memory wanned. This position required me to constantly be on the phone and the internet. Information that is  required  immediately so i can make certain assertions in order to make the correct decissions. I believe that this information should be readily availble, but only for emergency situations and not the like of the public some politician who feel their tax dollars demand they can have it now. From that year on my mind has zipped through any and all information regarding my work, but for my personal life  my mind has been a decelarated mode, as if stuck in one gear whenever i attempt to think on other issues in my life.  Only now, as of late, have I taken back my thoughts; by scaling  back the amount of time on the internet.

    The Internet with it's search engines such as Google provide us with information at the touch of a button. Information which was meant to help society function proficiently, helping us in performing our daily tasks. The concern is we have accepted the use of this technology into our lives in order to work, chat or just zip through the web. We as a people should limit ourselves to their usage, we should not rely on them but use them to our advantage. Technology is advancing and companies like Google push their products; selling  the next best thing to help you in your life. All this iinformation is not going to make us any smarter. It may however create a generation of people who cannot process a thought. If  we dont want to become that generation we should all take the time to read or sit and meditate to develope and intrigue our minds                                 

1 comment:

  1. i found this prompt to be equally challenging. i can see that i need to finish a little earlier in order to correct my sentence structure; tend to run on not providing detail.
