Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fast food 3.5

          It is true that you are what you eat. The author points out vividly that the poorer neighborhoods are riddled with fast food restaurants. Food loaded with high levels of fat, colesterol, and salt. Food which is relatively cheap to buy. This quality of food is usually consumed by children and the poor regulary and eating like this can cause many health related issues.

        These restaurants as the author Greg Crister spoke about in "Let Them Eat Fat" such as Mcdonalds, Krispy Kreme and others like Kentucky Fried Chicken use advertising specials to entice the public. To a work force that discharges around five or six o'clock; or school children going home from school. They are prevelant in society by being everywhere, especially in your poorer neighborhoods. You can even find them    in highly populated work or tourist areas. Their food is cheap and readily available. Advertisement is explicitely done ,offering specials, such as more for less , supersize for a few pennies more, or all you can eat deals. People who live in these poorer neighborhoods don't have supermarkets offering a variety of wholesome food. So they purchase what is readily available; that which is forced upon them through advertising gimmicks.

       A person who lives in a poor neighborhood would have to travel far, sometimes into another borough or county to buy healthy food. I could vouch on that fact, because i have had to do just that many a time when working in neighborhoods which were poor. I would have to travel into an upscale community to get a healthy meal. I at least could afford to do that. Most of these supermarkets are in upscale communities. so even i f a person from the poorer community could travel they probably would not very often be able to afford the cost because of the location it is at. This is why fast food restaurants set up more in your poorer neighborhoods and why your chain supermarkets don't open up in these communities. It is a matter of their bottom line.

      This bottom line has become a big business for fast food restaurants. They force their products through advertisements and your poorer communities buy them as they dont have quality supermarkets to buy  wholesome healthy food. Food which the goverment states a person should have from the four basic food groups. We know well to often that when a person eats poor their health deteriorates; becoming ill; catching virus and diseases. Children don't develope and grow strong. Obesity and heart disease has been on the rise. These restaurants will not relent in pushing their products even on the behest of nutrionists.Goverment should intervene in either forcing restaurants such as Mcdonaldsand the like to offer healthier choices at a cheap cost or give incentives to the chain supermarkets to open up business. Until then more and more of the children and poor in your diadvantaged communities will become unhealthy, especially children. That is not a good start for a child.                

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